严 康

作者: 时间:2018-09-07 点击数:


姓名:严 康











[1] Kang Yan, Chongwei Liu, Liping Liu, Min Xiong, Jiongtong Chen, Zhongtang Zhang, Shuiping Zhong, Zhifeng Xu*, and Jindi Huang**. Pyrolysis behaviour and combustion kinetics of waste printed circuit boards[J]. International Journal of Minerals , Metallurgy and Materials, 2022, 29(9): 1723-1732.

[2] Kang Yan, Qing Chen, Zhengyang Xiong, Jiale Wu, Zhongtang Zhang*, Zhifeng Xu**, Ruixiang Wang, Jinhui Li, Shuiping Zhong. A Novel Method for the Recovery of Li from Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Reduction Roasting–Countercurrent Leaching[J]. JOM, 2022, 74(10): 3821-3832.

[3] Kang Yan, Liping Liu, Hongxing Zhao, Lei Tian, Zhifeng Xu, Ruixiang Wang. Study on Extraction Separation of Thioarsenite Acid in Alkaline Solution by CO32--Type Tri-n-Octylmethyl-Ammonium Chloride[J]. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2021, 8(1): 592837.

[4] Kang, Yan, Zhilou, Liu, Zilang, Li, Rihui, Yue, Feng, Guo, Zhifeng, Xu. Selective separation of chromium from sulphuric acid leaching solutions of mixed electroplating sludge using phosphate precipitation[J]. Hydrometallurgy, 2019, 186(1): 42-49.

[5] Z.-T. Zhang; H.-P. Nie*; K. Yan**. Sb distribution in the phases of SiO2 saturated Sb-Fe-O-SiO2-CaO system in air[J]. Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy, 2019, 57(1): 13-19

[6] Zhang, Zhongtang, Yan, Kang*, Nie, Huaping, Wang, Ruixiang, Xu, Zhifeng. Fundamental Theory on Pyrometallurgy Direct Smelting of Waste Printed Circuit Boards[J]. JOM, 2021, 73(8): 2549-2557

[7] , 熊正阳, 刘志楼, 徐志峰*, 王瑞祥, 聂华平. 废旧三元锂离子电池正极还原焙烧回收Li的研究[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 51(12): 3367-3378.

[8] 康,郭学益, 田庆华, . 中国锂离子电池系统钴代谢分析[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 48(1): 25-30.

[9] Kang Yan, Xueyi Guo, Qinghua Tian, Dong Li. Analysis of cobalt substance flow through China in Year of 2012. Materials Science Forum, 2015, 814: 539-545.

[10] Xueyi Guo, Kang Yan. Estimation of obsolete cellular phones generation: A case study of China. Science of the Total Environment, 2017(575): 321-329.


(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 51904124, 锡元素在电子废料协同熔炼过程的定向迁移调控研究, 2020-01-01 2022-12-31, 27万元, 主持

(2) 国家科学技术部, 重点研发项目固废资源化子课题, 2019YFC1908405, “毒害元素资源化与无害化安全处置技术及装备”子课题, 2020-01 2022-12, 96万元, 主持

(3) 江西省科技厅,江西省主要学科学术和技术带头人青年人才项目,废旧三元锂离子电池正极材料还原焙烧过程多金属物相转化与调控机制,2022-012024-1220万元,主持

(4) 江西省教育厅, 一般项目, GJJ170507, 废旧电路板资源化代谢过程研究, 2018-01 2020-12, 3, 主持

(5) 赣州市科技局, 青年人才项目, 2020-3-45, 废旧锂离子动力电池正极材料清洁循环与高值化利用, 2021-01 2022-12, 5万元, 主持

(6) 江西理工大学博士启动基金资助项目,典型电子废弃物资源化利用过程研究(JXXJBS17046),2017/07-2019/0710万,主持


1 , 徐志峰, 张忠堂, . 废旧磷酸铁锂电池正极材料还原熔炼回收有价金属的方法, 中国, ZL202110598829.6.

2)严 康, 徐志峰, , 黄金堤. 废旧锂离子动力电池资源化回收方法,专利号: ZL201711017436.1.

3郭学益,严康,田庆华,李栋.废旧线路板资源化处理方法, 专利号: ZL201610110207.3.

4)徐志峰,严康,王成彦,胡小钢. 复杂高硅铜钴合金碱预处理-常压酸浸工艺, 专利号:ZL201110142672.2.

5)田庆华,郭学益,严康,李栋. 一种废旧电路板的热解回收装置,专利号:ZL201720513196.3.

6)典型电子废弃物高效回收及清洁循环利用关键技术及产业化, 中国有色金属工业协会, 科技进步, 省部一等奖, 2016.12.26.(中色协科字[2016]218-2016063-R09


江西理工大学冶金工程学院      电话:0797-8312422      地址:江西省赣州市客家大道156号
Faculty of Materials Metallurgy and Chemistry